Zen Nurse Life

Stress is a real thing in Nursing, but the good news is that it doesn't have to be that way. Take advantage of the diverse opportunities in Nursing and do what most people can't: Design Your Life!

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Monday Mar 23, 2020

Inspiration for this episode came from a phone conversation between myself and a good friend from a Cohort just behind mine. Her question was simple, "How do you prepare yourself for a job interview?" This episode is a recipe for practical goal setting and overall work-life balance. I hope you guys find this no-frills podcast useful. I welcome any constructive feedback. Connect with me on Instagram IG ZenNurseLife, and check out my website: ZenNurseLife.com

Monday Aug 19, 2019

Hear the story of a military veteran as he finds out what it takes to transition from being the 'bringer of pain' to becoming the 'taker of pain'. Listen to his random life events which later are identified to be a series of intuitive self-healing stages that slowly take him from having uncontrolled PTSD to a productive life in the Nursing field.
This documentary was recorded while hiking in Rose Canyon, University City, California.

Trailer | Zen Nurse Life

Monday Aug 19, 2019

Monday Aug 19, 2019

There is a difference between what someone on the outside thinks Nursing is like, and what Nursing is really like from the inside looking out. If you're thinking about getting into the Nursing field, then subscribe and listen to what it takes to make it through Nursing school and get licensed...all while trying to maintain a work-life balance.  

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